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Home » Reducing Injuries in the Workplace
October 8, 2020

Reducing Injuries in the Workplace

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Reducing Injuries in the Workplace


Injuries on the job happen.  When injuries happen, Workers Compensation provides coverage for the injured employee.  However, injuries do affect the workplace in terms of a loss of productivity, replacement or temporary employee training, or being short-staffed. 

By taking action and implementing steps to create a safer workplace, you can help reduce injuries in the workplace.  Here are some strategies and tips to help create a safer workplace for your employees.

Remove Hazards

One way to evaluate your premises for hazards that could cause an injury is to do a hazard assessment of the premises. Discovering and taking care of hazards can prevent a significant number of workplace claims.  Loose railings, broken lights, ripped carpet can all cause a trip or fall injury.

Housekeeping is an important part of workplace safety.  Well-lit areas and aisles kept clear of clutter and debris are some of the simple ways to have a safe workplace. Regular inspections of the equipment, vehicles, and premises are necessary to ensure that everything is in good condition.

Protective Equipment

Provide protection equipment to your employees. Mandatory usage and required training for how to use appropriate personal protective equipment that you provide are key in preventing injuries.  Recommended equipment includes gloves, cut-resistant gloves for kitchen workers, hard hats, earplugs, face shields, goggles, and safety shoes.

Safety Training and Meetings

In addition to teaching employees the proper way to use personal protective equipment, having safety training for all new employees and regular safety meetings of all employees are important. Proper ways to handle equipment, safe lifting, safe driving techniques as well as a review of what hazards to look for will help keep employees engaged in a culture of workplace safety. 

Safety and Wellness Programs

A documented Safety and Wellness Program that integrates all of the above also reduces the risk or injuries in the workplace. Management and employees all play a role in making the workplace safe and the Safety and Wellness Program and their roles in identifying and improving safety are important. Include what to do when an injury happens, and who to report it to, so there is no confusion about the Workers Compensation claims process can help injured employees receive treatment faster.

While accidents still happen, by taking steps to prevent many of the common workplace accidents are important for keeping your employees safe. 




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